April 9, 2019
FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Concordia Lutheran High School students are being SOUPer Heroes this year for CANstruction, an event to support Community Harvest Food Bank.
The students will be showcasing the power of imagination with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (from Spongebob Squarepants).
They will build their structure at Glenbrook Mall on April 26, and it will remain on display until May 5. All cans are then donated to Community Harvest.
The school is accepting donations from April 12-19. Any food donations after that point can be made at the mall, or monetary donations may be made directly to the food bank via their website at www.communityharvest.org. Donations at the mall or directly to the Community Harvest Food Bank will count as votes for Concordia in the People's Choice Awards.
Also, on April 11, Concordia students will “Block Out Hunger” by bringing in canned goods to “block” the doors of teachers. If those teachers’ doors are blocked, students will have a fun day in all classes with that teacher on Friday — no homework, no quizzes and no tests.
Concordia Lutheran High School, located at 1601 St. Joe River Drive in Fort Wayne, Ind., was founded in 1935 as a private, co-educational Lutheran high school open to students of all faiths and backgrounds. With Christ at the center, Concordia continues to pursue educational excellence that equips individuals for lifelong learning and service as disciples of Jesus Christ. Learn more at www.clhscadets.com.