Another Great Year in the Books

Hello Concordia,

Congratulations to the Class of 2019 for their graduation from Concordia Lutheran High School. Many thanks to the worship leaders, speakers, instrumentalists, and A Cappella Choir for their participation in our June 2 Graduation service. God’s blessings to each of our graduates and their parents as they continue their walk with Christ in their next and exciting steps. As Principal, I have the honor of seeing the huge smile of each graduate when they hear their name announced and walk across the stage to receive their diploma. A smile of joy and satisfaction of what they have accomplished is well earned and celebratory. Speaking of celebrating individuals - please join me in congratulating …

  • Mr. Chris Gieschen for 42 years of teaching ministry at Concordia Lutheran High School.
  • Rev. Joseph Gudel for his 22 years at Concordia and many more in ministry, as he retires from the classroom and will focus on his passion with Christians around the world.
  • Mr. Chris Murphy for receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award from our student body. Mr. Murphy teaches Drama and Math.
  • Mrs. Paula Booth was awarded the Teacher in Service award for her work with our international students from China and Kenya. Mrs. Booth teaches Spainish.
  • Ms. Stephanie Marks was awarded the Staff in Service award for her dedication to our students as testing coordinator, Assistant Athletic Director, and school librarian.
  • The 6 students from Dalian, China who graduated with our Class of 2019.
  • David Kujak, graduate from this year’s class who earned a National Merit Scholarship to Dallas Baptist University.

Students and Parents may view their Semester 2 Report Cards via Concordia’s OnCampus app. Please contact the school office if you need login assistance, or the course teacher if you have questions about a specific class.

Summer may be a quiet time and also an exciting time filled with events for family and friends. A couple of summer activities Concordia recommends for families include:

Camps - Sports Camps. Fine Arts Camps. Academic Camps. Concordia is buzzing with activity as hundreds of elementary and middle school students are engaged with Concordia faculty, coaches, and students throughout the summer through the large variety of camps and activities at the school. Please join us and spread the word to your friends and neighbors.

College Planning - Seniors of the 2020 Class are encouraged to begin/continue writing essays for their college applications. This gives the student time for feedback from their counselor before the application is due. College Counseling Consultant, Mr. Sharig Shemmassian offers a few more thoughts about college application for parents here. Mr. Shemmassian also writes thoughtfully and with experience about the 8 main pieces of the college admissions puzzle.

Go Concordia!

Patrick Frerking