A Summer Challenge

It’s hard to believe the class of 2019 has graduated, and we will be ready to welcome the class of 2023 in just a couple of short months!  Summer is a time for relaxation and growth for both students and teachers! I know many students are attending summer school classes while many of us teachers are attending summer programs ourselves so we are able to do an even better job next school year.  Although that relaxation and growth is important, it is also just as important (more important) to grow in our faith. I challenge all of you (including myself) to take time to delve deeply into God’s word. How do we do this? Here are a few ideas.

~  Be Consistent.  Every day at the same time, commit to reading God’s word.

~ Put the phone away.  They really are distracting for all of us!

~ Join a Bible study!  It helps me to have others who are relying on me to do something.

Soon, we will be back in the hallways of our beloved Concordia!  We (teachers and administrators) are all excited for the new school year.  I’m sure all of our students are as well! We will all be ready to share how wonderful each of our summers were.  I’m ready to hear how busy everyone’s summer was and how well everyone did with my challenge.


Lisa Sherrod

Study Center Director