‘How Great Thou Art’

“How Great Thou Art” is also the title of our Marching Band Show this year. It uses Michelangelo's awe inspiring artwork from within The Sistine Chapel to encourage and define our own walk of faith. Original music by Alex Yoder takes us on a journey of discovery, reflection and celebration as we explore the ultimate spiritual connection! When creating and designing this show back in January, we focused on three words:

Great. In the literal sense of the word, it means “notably large in size” or “large in number or measure.” This year, our props are kind of unusual in the fact that we have 16 props, all with a 9-foot by 13-foot banner on each of them. These are great in size. Furthermore, from a Christian perspective, we also know how great our God is. “Great” can also mean “eminent, distinguished, or preeminent over others” (Merriam-Webster). We cannot even comprehend the vastness of His nature and being. God is our King and reigns in our hearts. God is great!

Thou. This school is God’s. Our talents are God’s. This earth is God’s. Without God’s gift or divine hand, we wouldn’t be able to do anything — make music, write papers, play sports, and the list goes on. Everything God created is great — both in size and in grandeur — and it is His.

Art. There are many forms of art at Concordia — music (band and choir), drama, visual art, digital art, and video. Besides our music, this year, we are also incorporating visual art in our show by using Michaelangelo’s artwork. It is the means in which we portray the Gospel message.

Throughout the show, you will see snippets and snapshots of the artwork on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. But in the ballad, all 16 banners will be used to superimpose the famous painting, “The Creation of Adam.” In this painting, God is fervently reaching out toward Adam, but Adam is not able to touch him. As Christians, we know that we can never reach God. There is a permanent barrier keeping us apart — sin. However, we also know that the only thing that breaks that barrier is the cross. At the high point in our ballad, the band forms a cross, joining the hands of God and Adam on the banners. During the rest of the show, we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection because that now gives us hope and assurance for eternal life! What a great way to end a show and message! 

2019 Shows:

  • September 8: Bluffton High School
  • September 14: Norwell High School
  • September 28: Penn High School
  • October 5: Bands of America - Central Indiana Regional Championship at Ball State University
  • October 12: ISSMA Open Class Invitational at Homestead High School
  • October 19: ISSMA Open Class Regionals at Chesterton High School
  • October 26: Bands of America Super Regional at Lucas Oil Stadium
  • November 2: ISSMA Open Class Semi-State at Decatur Central High School (Lord-willing!)
  • November 9: ISSMA Open Class State at Lucas Oil Stadium (Lord-willing!)

The band welcomes you to join us at one of our shows this year! It is going to be a great show!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Jennifer Porath,
Director of Bands