“Is that funny?”
A question I get asked quite a bit, especially this time of year. Usually, right about now, we are finishing up a project in our video classes where students write, film, and edit a short comedy video. It really is great seeing and hearing all of their ideas, sometimes very simple and occasionally grandiose.
The problem is, they sometimes aren’t happy with my reply to their question. “Is that funny?” or “Will that be funny?” to which I usually answer “Maybe."
In our Intro to Video class we discuss demographics, subsets of people that TV programs, advertisers, and other groups target with their message and programming. To a degree, comedy shares this characteristic, as well. Certain individuals find particular comedians hilarious while others find the same comedic artistry dull and boring, not relatable, etc. Sometimes you will find that their age, race, and gender play a role in whether the viewer is rolling their eyes at a particular punchline or rolling on the floor laughing.
Our Comedy Festival is quickly approaching and students have been hard at work creating content for it. So if you are looking for a good, fun time to come laugh at some silly and funny videos, then I say give it a shot. You’ll have a good time.
Aaron Spencer,
Media Arts Teacher