The year 2020 is the year of Effort.
I have been teaching mathematics and coaching soccer for over 20 years and see the key to success is EFFORT. Students and players have all been successful when they give their best effort daily. So the letter E in effort goes with encouragement. The only way effort is maximized is through encouragement.
The encouragement builds to the first F in effort; fellowship. We all need help from others to give our best effort daily. The fellowship is family, friends, teammates, classmates, teachers and coaches.
The second F in effort is focus. It takes effort and self-control to focus during class time or training sessions. The focus is critical to see the success on tests or during games.
The O in effort is optimistic. Students and players alike must be optimistic or mentally ready for the task at hand. If you think you can be successful you will be successful through continued effort.
The R is for respect. We all need to respect our efforts as well as the efforts of others. Respect the abilities God has blessed you with, as well as the abilities God has given others. Secondly, respect each others differences in abilities, since we are all each individually handcrafted by our God.
The final letter is T for trust. Students and teammates alike must trust each other as well as trust their leaders. As a teacher and a coach I continually try to guide students and players to their best possible option. A task that has grown tougher due to the continued bombardment of information we all get through social media. I see students and players drained due to circumstances they cannot control. Hence we need to focus our efforts on the things we can control.
We all need to learn our loving Father in heaven makes all things beautiful in His time. We should not try to fathom His knowledge, but trust He will guide us to our everlasting goal.
So for 2020 give your best EFFORT and encourage everyone to do the same.
Kevin Macke,
Math Teacher and Boys Soccer Coach