March 12, 2020
Dear Concordia Community,
We want to keep you informed about the ever-changing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is affecting our school community. Please know that we are in constant talks with the Allen County Department of Health as information becomes available. This message is intended to bring you up to date on current circumstances.
As of today, Concordia Lutheran High School will remain open as scheduled unless circumstances warrant closure. However, students should be prepared that at any point we may need to shut down the school. That means taking home books every night to prepare for Remote Learning (more information will be distributed about Remote Learning if/when the situation is needed).
We understand the emotional and physical impact that this will have on our students, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that this an easy process while remaining a good community partner by helping to slow the progress of this virus. Below is the information to prepare you in case of a closure.
If any of the following were to occur we would take action to close school:
If we verify a confirmed case of COVID-19 at Concordia Lutheran High School (adult or student).
If in consultation with the CDC, Indiana Department of Health, or Allen County Department of Health we are asked or required to close to support the health of the community at large.
If it becomes clear that in consultation with other K-12 school officials school closure is beneficial for the health of the community at large.
If we find it unproductive to hold school because of high absenteeism due to illnesses. This is a standard protocol for any type of illness.
In the event of an extended closure, there will not be any additional days added to the end of the school calendar as makeup days, given the opportunity to implement Remote Learning and Governor Holcomb’s declaration on March 12 regarding grace on the 180 school day mandate.
As more information becomes available, we will keep you updated through our Facebook page, school email, and our website. We ask you to be calm, prayerful and wise about your approach to this situation. Our students are watching. We are teaching them something by our actions and our words.
God’s continued blessings on you and our community as we navigate this challenging situation.
In HIS Service,
CLHS Administration