Hello Concordia,
God’s Peace to You! We continue to pray for our students and families daily. We have established a website with physical, emotional and spiritual resources as well as updates as we navigate this crisis. If you are in need of anything, please reach out to us. God's continued blessings to you.
Concordia Remote Learning Schedule through May 1
With Governor Holcomb’s announcement that schools will be closed through May 1, we will continue our 4-day/week Remote Learning schedule. Classes will meet Monday-Thursday, allowing a 3-day weekend. Concordia will observe Spring Break March 27-April 5. Classes resume on Monday, April 6. Note that Monday, April 13 is now a school day and that Friday, April 17 is a weekend date. CLHS Remote Learning Schedule/Calendar is also attached.
With Governor Holcomb’s announcement that schools will be closed through May 1, we will continue our 4-day/week Remote Learning schedule. Classes will meet Monday-Thursday, allowing a 3-day weekend. Concordia will observe Spring Break March 27-April 5. Classes resume on Monday, April 6. Note that Monday, April 13 is now a school day and that Friday, April 17 is a weekend date. CLHS Remote Learning Schedule/Calendar is also attached.
Thank you for your feedback via the student and parent feedback surveys that were sent last week. Highlights:
100% of our students are engaged in Remote Learning via Zoom, OnCampus, and the Google Suite for Education (email, drive, docs…)
HUGE Kudos and Thanks to Teachers & Administrators
Too much homework in some classes - our students have other responsibilities in the home
Appreciate Koinonia and social exchange between students & teachers
Encouragement & PRAYERS - We will get through this together AND with God’s Help!
Prom, Graduation, and other End of Year Events
Concordia has every intention to hold the long list of end of school year events, including graduation, prom, award ceremonies, concerts, and other events, God willing. The venues booked for Graduation (Sunday, May 31) and Prom (May 16) have both expressed support for alternate dates (if needed) for these events. If necessary, some of the annual Concordia end-of-school-year events may occur during the summer holiday. Please know that Concordia will follow guidelines issued from our government and health departments regarding group/event gatherings.
AP Exams, SAT & ACT testing
The College Board announced that AP Exams will be modified for all AP students, worldwide. AP Exams will be taken at home, online, using a computer, tablet, or phone. Photographing handwritten work is also an option. The exam will be 45 minutes (not 3 hours) and focus on material covered from August-early March. The College Board is ramping up its online practice exam options for students and teachers. More information for individual AP courses/exams will be distributed in early April. Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, AP students and teachers can attend free, live AP review courses, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. Click the following for updates on cancellation, date changes, and impact upon SAT Testing and ACT Testing.
Learn more about COVID-19
The Wake Forest University School of Medicine is providing answers to questions about COVID-19 specifically for high school students here.
The Wake Forest University School of Medicine is providing answers to questions about COVID-19 specifically for high school students here.
In God’s Hands,
Patrick Frerking
Concordia Lutheran High School