Comfort Dog program continues to provide comfort

If you haven’t heard, Concordia Lutheran High School and Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School have adopted a Comfort Dog through the Lutheran Church Charities organization. His name is Jared. He has had nearly 2,000 hours and has been with us since June 2019. In all, there are nine handlers and 20-plus ministry partners that support the ministry of the Comfort Dog program.

Holy Cross and Concordia have done several events to raise money for the upkeep of Jared. We are responsible for feeding, grooming, and vet visits for the dog. Silent auctions at businesses, chapel collections, dress down day at school, and “Picture your Pet” are some of the events that have already been completed to raise money for Jared. The money raised from these events will help care for the dog. Thrivent choice dollars directed to Holy Cross Lutheran Church can also be used to support this ministry.

The Comfort Dog is a part of the normal day at Holy Cross as well as Concordia. Holy Cross sees Jared during chapels and “Tale Waggin” sessions where students read to and with Jared. Tuesday mornings you will see Jared interacting with the students at CLHS before school starts. He also has attended Concordia Day, Back to School night, finals week, and the CLHS and Holy Cross Open Houses. It is our hope that with the daily integration of the dog in the school, the students will find relief for their daily stressors and have another avenue to share God’s Word and grace.

The community has also benefited from visits from the Comfort Dog outside of the schools. Some of the places Jared has been include: Lutheran Life Villages, Honor Flight, Wellspring, Lutheran Foundation, Gethsemane, Grey Stone, YMCA, Cox Chiropractic, StoryPoint, and other area grade schools. The main goal is to utilize the relaxing nature of the Comfort Dog to bring a bit of stress relief but also to become an outreach tool to share God’s Word and pray with others.

Even as we go through Remote Learning, Jared has been sitting in on classes and interacting with students.

Jared is a wonderful bridge to share God’s love and compassion with those we meet.

Pam Rusher,
PE Teacher and one of Jared’s Handlers

Tomorrow, April 28, is our Cadet Day of Caring. Please support our students and their families who have been affected by COVID-19 by making a donation. Gifts will go toward an Emergency Relief Fund to help with Concordia educational expenses during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. Thank you for your help! Give now