Alumni Spotlight: Erin (Taube) Clark

Erin (Taube) Clark
Class of 1997
What is your current occupation?
Director of Admissions at Emmanuel-St. Michael Lutheran School
What was your education after Concordia?
Bachelor’s Degree in Athletic Training from Purdue University Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from Indiana University
What did you love most about CLHS?
I moved to Indiana from California for my senior year of high school when my parents (Tim and Sandy Taube) accepted calls to teach at CLHS. This was a challenging time leaving my family and friends and admittedly, I was not super pleasant about it. When I got to Concordia, staying angry was just not an option. Everyone was so welcoming and encouraging. I met friends that I still have to this day as well as the man who would later become my husband. Classes at Concordia were challenging and fully prepared me for college. Playing basketball and participating in track and field were great experiences for me. In all of these relationships, classes, and activities, what I loved most about Concordia was the sense of family that was created that was centered on Christ.
What advice would you pass along to students?
As you can see, my college degrees do not match my current occupation. I worked for a number of years in Athletic Training in a variety of collegiate, high school and clinical settings and truly loved helping people in that way. Ultimately, my calling as a mom led me to be home as my girls were younger. This gave me the opportunity to then serve Emmanuel - St. Michael Lutheran School as Director of Admissions. Every day I get to witness the care and dedication of our Fort Wayne Lutheran Schools providing an excellent education for our students and building the foundation of faith. This is a different plan than what I left high school thinking I would be when I grew up. So much pressure is put on your generation to ‘be something great’, and that mostly revolves around a job or occupation. You will be fully equipped with your CLHS education to do great things in whatever career path you choose. But that is not ‘who’ you are. There will be twists and turns, challenges and opportunities, great joys and great sorrows in this world. Your path may end up looking different than you envisioned, or maybe you just don’t know what that looks like yet. Live your life with the peace and freedom that comes from knowing you are a child of God, allowing you to love God and love your neighbor in all of the wonderful ways that He has planned for you.