Alumni Spotlight: Bryan Conrad

Bryan Conrad
Class of 2003
What is your current occupation?
Owner and Licensed Barber at Post Modern Barbershop Fort Wayne
What was your education after Concordia?
Educated by the US Army, and then Barber School after retirement.
What did you love most about CLHS?
The JROTC Department. Bias aside, it truly is a program that promotes the evolution of one's self into adulthood. I didn't realize the full impact the program had on my life, that is until it was time to lead others in the real world.
What advice would you pass along to students?
Paratroopers have a saying; "Life is too short to not be airborne," meaning life is too short to not take risks. Taking chances allows you to live a life without regret, but most of all train's the mind to lead without excuses. Having fewer excuses about why you didn't or couldn't do something, leaves you with more time for success. Failure is always easier to live with when you can say you gave your all. Take the chance!