Dear Friend of Concordia Lutheran High School,
Good morning. Earlier today you may have received an email from Stevland Medley, Survey Manager of Independent School Management (ISM). ISM is one of the top worldwide companies focused on primary and secondary schools. We worked with them in 2013 and 2014 and were impressed with their data driven process of consultation.
Unfortunately, ISM, in moving this survey forward, did not alert us as to when it was going out so we could let you know that this is a legitimate request. I apologize that this happened as we were just as surprised as you, and don't appreciate unsolicited emails either.
If it is acceptable to you, your time to complete this survey for CLHS would aid us in being able to better understand how to serve you with communications and updates about CLHS. Again, my personal apology to you for taking time out of your day, unexpectedly, to see this survey. We will stay in touch as we work with ISM. Please also ignore the email that references "Canterbury School" as that was a mistake.
In His Service,
Pastor John Schoedel,
Chief Development Officer
Chief Development Officer
C: Kurt Gutman, President of our Board
Mychal Thom, Head of School
Mychal Thom, Head of School