Reminders from our School Nurse

Greetings to all the Cadets and families! It is amazing how the summer flies by, and it's time for back to school. It has been a great first few weeks back at CLHS, and I love seeing all the students back at school.

I just want to remind all parents that immunizations need to be caught up by September 1 in order for your child to stay in school. This is an update from previous years, so please make sure you are reading your Student-Parent Handbook.

All childhood immunizations need to be completed along with Hepatitis A/B, Tdap and regular meningitis vaccinations.There are several students that don’t have all of these immunizations, so please check in with either me or your PCP office. Please also, make sure you are finishing your Enrollment packets on the FACTS Family Portal, specifically the Medical portion. This gives me permission to treat them, gives me a health history and if I can give them medication. This helps me care for your child the best way possible.

Lastly if your child is in need of a vision screening and/or corrective lenses and you are without vision insurance, please contact me for a VSP voucher to help cover these costs. 

Some upcoming school health events to make note of:

Sept. 23rd, 2022 - Hearing screenings for all sophomores and new transfer students.

October 18th, 2022 - Flu shot clinic. Consent forms to follow for those that wish to have a flu shot.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school. My phone number is 260-483-1102 ext. 235. I am here to help!

Corrie Oberlin,
School Nurse