Continuing Connections, In and Out of Concordia’s Walls

Summer break provides a much-needed change of pace for students, faculty, and staff. During this time of rest it has been a joy to reflect on the past year at Concordia. As a first-year teacher, I have certainly been impressed by the level of excellence in Concordia’s academics and extracurriculars. Yet, the thing I am most amazed by is the depth of relationships formed at Concordia, inside and outside of school. 

This past fall, a few weeks after my move to Fort Wayne, I was exploring shops and activities downtown and was stopped by a friendly individual who commented excitedly on the CLHS t-shirt I was wearing. I smiled, glad to hear what an impact Concordia has on the community. Soon, I discovered that this was not a unique encounter. Multiple times throughout the first few months of my time in Fort Wayne, people chatted with me about their family members who attend Concordia, memories of their experiences as a student, friends they made through Concordia, programs they volunteer for, positive impressions they have of the school, and much more. How incredible it is that CLHS relationships have such a widespread impact! 

This year, I decorated my classroom with brightly-colored light bulb posters with a particular bible verse in mind, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). As Christians, our words and actions should praise and honor God, reflecting His love to our neighbors. Concordia certainly has an incredible legacy of relationships. During this summer season, students, faculty, and families are spread far and wide. With this season of rest comes the opportunity to keep in mind both Matthew 5:16 and the 2023-2024 school year theme: “Connected in Christ”. This summer, may we reflect the light of Christ to those around us, continuing to joyfully connect in fellowship beyond the walls of Concordia.