Back to School Registration Information

Concordia Lutheran High School’s

Back to School Registration 2024-2025


August 7 & 8 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Parking is available in the main parking lot off of Anthony Blvd. and St. Joe River Dr., in the lots behind the high school and at Zollner Stadium. Please enter through the main school entrance at Door 1.


Many forms have been made available online and can be found via links in this memo. If you are not able to find and print forms online, they will be made available to you in person at registration.

This event is required for all CLHS parents and students.  

  • Parents will finalize registration for your student, verify accurate contact information, learn how you can volunteer, and meet the school nurse to start the school year smoothly.  
  • Students will get their school picture taken, pick up their ordered school uniform apparel, receive their books, locker assignment and lock, and meet Jared (the comfort dog).  
  • Students and parents will learn about the Cadet Café lunch options, athletics, clubs and activities available at CLHS.


What can be done before Back to School Registration? 

Go to FACTS Family Portal where you will find your student’s grades and your tuition and payment plan information.

  • Make sure your enrollment is complete (“apply/enroll”)
  • Set up your payment plan (“financial”) 
  • Update your family information: address, phone numbers, email address, who receives school emails, make sure your student’s birth city and state are entered
  • How to create my FACTS Family Portal:
    • Go to the login page
    • Click “Create New Family Portal Account”
    • Create an account using the email that CLHS has on file for you

Open email with instructions on how to create a username and password

  • District code is CON-IN

Helpful Hint: Setting up your tuition payment plan before arriving at registration will save you time. Staff will be available at registration to assist you with these tasks if you are not able to complete them ahead of time, but we recommend doing this before coming in for registration. You won’t be able to access your student’s class schedule until the tuition payment plan tasks are completed.

School Nurse information & medical forms (if applicable) to be completed and brought to the School Nurse Station at registration in the Physical Fitness Center (PFC):


Parkview Random Drug Testing Waiver Complete the required form and bring it to the Student Success Station at registration.  Every student must have a signed form by the beginning of school.


Cross Connections, Inc.  As part of the Health and Wellness Initiative, the Concordia leadership has an agreement with Cross Connections to make brief counseling services available to students during the school day. Cross Connections is a biblical counseling agency with ties to many of the churches in the Fort Wayne community. A signed permission slip is needed to receive these counseling services.


School Uniform Apparel can be ordered online at If you’ve already purchased new uniform apparel, it can be picked up in the school main office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays or during registration. 

  • Resale (used) school uniform apparel will be available on 

the Wednesday of registration starting at 2:00 p.m. in room 113. 


Student School Pictures are required for every student for the yearbook and their student ID.  Students can wear non-uniform school appropriate clothing for their picture (no hats).  There will be a retake/make-up picture day on September 25, 2024.  Pictures can be ordered later this fall at


Yearbooks: Luminarian, the CLHS yearbook, can be ordered at registration!  Order between August 5-14 or at registration for the back to school special rate of $70. If you order online at, there will be an additional $5.00 charge. Stop by the yearbook station to learn how to purchase a senior, student and business advertising spot in the yearbook.


Graduation Station (for Seniors only) will be in the Physical Fitness Center (PFC) during registration.  All seniors should visit Ms. Johnson regarding diploma and cap and gown information.


JROTC uniforms will be distributed at registration.


Athletics Station will be available at registration. 

  • Every athlete must register at and upload a 2024-2025 IHSAA Physical Exam signed by a physician. It must be dated April 1 of 2024 or after to be eligible for this school year. Please have your registration complete by July 30, if you are playing a fall sport.
  • All athletic passes are sold online. A link to purchase event passes and tickets will be made available soon. Students get into all home athletic events for FREE. This does not include post-season events. Students will also get their tickets online.


Student Parking Pass Form is for those students who are planning to drive to school. Please bring this completed form to the Student Success Station at registration.


Student Technology

  • For onboarding of your student's device, email, and FACTS Family Portal login as well as other technology questions, click here
  • Mr. Storm will be available during registration in room 208.  All new students plan to stop by to on-board your device.  Hint: If you have a new computer, please set it up at home with device registration, internet access, and the Chrome browser prior to Back to School registration. 


Expectations of Back to School Registration

  • Staff will be available in the cafeteria to assist with FACTS Family Portal issues.
  • Various stations will be set up for you to visit by following the registration checklist you will receive that night.
  • You will not be required to stop at every station.
  • Get informed by stopping at club and activity tables.


Helpful hint:  Come at 3:30 p.m. when the crowd has lessened to be able to spend more time talking with staff and student tables and less time standing in a line.

2024-2025 School Year Theme: ENDURE...With Christ at the Center

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted."

- Hebrews 12:1-3