It's a New School Year: Welcome Back!

Hello Concordia,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, the 90th year that Concordia has been serving the Fort Wayne community with Christian education! May this school year be filled with excitement and blessings as we grow in faith through service, intellect, and community. We are ready for the 700 high school students attending Concordia Lutheran High School this school year. Thanks and Praise to God!

New school years are exciting and nervous events. Where are my classes located? Who is near my locker and can I successfully operate the combination lock? God is with us. Each of us are His child: precious, loved, forgiven. The faculty and staff of Concordia educate and care for all of our community members. Our theme this school year is Endure … with Christ at the Center, based upon Hebrews 12:1-3.

Concordia, like many other schools, has tightened its cell phone and headphone policy. The following will be shared with students during orientation and start of the year assemblies….

Personal use of cell phones and headphones (e.g., texting, social media, music, games) during instructional time is prohibited. Cell phones are to be turned off or set to silent mode and stored out of sight during instructional periods unless the teacher grants permission for educational purposes. Teachers may allow the use of cell phones and headphones for specific educational activities. In such cases, guidelines for appropriate use will be provided by the teacher. The use of cell phones, smart watches, and headphones are prohibited during exams and assessments unless explicitly allowed by the instructor. Teachers have the right to confiscate any item that is a distraction in the classroom. Confiscated items may require a parent to pick it up from school. In order to protect students’ privacy in bathrooms and locker rooms, cell phones and communication devices may not be used in those spaces. Students may use their phones before/after school, at lunch, and during pass periods. Parents are asked to contact the school office when they need to talk with their child during academic hours. 

Monday, August 12 8:00 AM start: New Student Orientation

Tuesday, August 13 - 8:00 AM start: C day w/ Chapel - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7 meet

Wed., August 14 8:00 AM start: D day w/ assembly - Periods 2, 4,6, 8 meet

Thursday, August 15 8:00 AM start: C day w/ assembly - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7 meet

Friday, August 16 8:00 AM start: D day w/ Koinonia - Periods 2, 4, 6, 8 meet

Please take a moment from home to login to your FACTS Family Portal to view schedules, grades, and other details of your enrollment at CLHS.

Parents please join us on Wednesday, August 21 for our annual Back-to-School Night events. Parents of Seniors begin at 5:45 PM with our school counselors to discuss college counseling details. Beginning at 6:30 PM all parents are invited to meet & greet teachers and visit classrooms. Please bring your student’s schedule. At 6:40 PM and 7:40 PM school administrators will lead a brief presentation and discussion of the school year and daily procedures in our school. At 7:15 PM, our school counselors are hosting a special presentation about financial planning for college with Mrs. Anne Seitz-Brown, a Thrivent Financial Planner.

Please note these logistics for the school year:

  • A Days - Academic classes begin at 8:40 AM with faculty meetings occurring earlier. The activity wing opens at 7:15 AM for students who need to arrive early. Doors to the Academic Wing open at 8:20 AM on A Days. 
  • B Days - Academic classes begin at 8:40 AM with student/teacher Office Hours for academic help and student clubs/activities meeting starting at 7:30 AM. The activity wing opens at 7:15 AM. Doors to the Academic Wing open at 7:30 AM on B Days.
  • C Days - Chapel. Academic classes begin at 8:00 AM. The activity wing opens at 7:15 AM for students who need to arrive early. Doors to the Academic Wing open at 7:40 AM on C Days. Periods 1, 3, 5, 7 meet.
  • D Days - Koinonia. Academic classes begin at 8:00 AM. The activity wing opens at 7:15 AM for students who need to arrive early. Doors to the Academic Wing open at 7:40 AM on D Days. Periods 2, 4, 6, 8 meet.
  • E Days - All 8 class periods meet. Academic classes begin at 8:00 AM. 
  • 8 minute pass periods between all academic classes.
  • Schedule FAQs
  • Parents may drop off/pick up their students from the front and riverside [Cadet Drive] entrances to Concordia. 
  • And finally, a PSA… Indiana law requires drivers to stop when a school bus has its stop arm extended and red lights flashing. Failure to do so can result in a traffic ticket and your driver's license being suspended. Here are helpful reminders from the Indiana State Police on how to navigate the roads as school buses pick up and drop off students

Join me in prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the community of education, service and faith, that is Concordia Lutheran High School. I ask for your guidance and blessing on this, the 90th school year for Concordia, that all may bear fruit of knowledge, understanding, and commitment, in and through you. May your love, forgiveness, and peace, be exercised and experienced by every student, family, teacher, and staff member at Concordia. Amen.

Go Concordia!

Patrick Frerking, Principal