Coping With Stress in the New Year

January 1 is often seen as a fresh start, an opportunity to make a positive change in life. When we stumble in our attempts to keep New Year’s resolutions our lofty goals often become one more item in a laundry list of worries and stress.


Just over ten years ago my husband and I moved to Fort Wayne at the conclusion of missionary service in Ethiopia. Everything that we wanted to bring back needed to come with us on the plane as checked baggage. I spent several weeks organizing, packing and weighing suitcases. I was exhausted, and worried that I had forgotten something essential, or failed to pack a fragile item carefully enough. Would everything arrive as expected, or would we lose one or more suitcases in transit? What if it was the suitcase that contained a precious memento?


Before we left for the airport a friend came to say goodbye. As we stood surrounded by those suitcases in our living room, he prayed with us. I hadn’t told him directly about my worries, but I think he sensed it, and part of his prayer went something like this. “Lord, we place these suitcases into your hand and ask you to carry them safely across the ocean.” It was a remarkable prayer because I had never thought about it in quite that way, but of course I also knew that anything placed in God’s hands was in a safe and secure place. For the first time in weeks, I relaxed.


What things are you worried and stressed about today? Jesus loves you and has already carried your burden of sin to the cross. In 1 Peter we are told, cast your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. That which you place in God’s hands is in a safe and secure place. Do those tasks that are placed before you to the very best of your ability, but leave everything that is troubling your heart today in the loving hands of your Savior Jesus Christ.


I invite you to pray with me: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you that your mercies are new to us each day. Thank you for the precious gift of forgiveness, life and salvation that you freely give to us for the sake of Jesus who carried our sin to the cross. Please bless our Concordia family today. Give to each of us strength to do the tasks placed before us. You know before we even speak those things that are troubling our hearts today. Look in mercy on us, your children, and help us to confidently place those worries and concerns in your loving hands, knowing that you will attend to every need. Help us to see the many ways that you bless and care for us each day, and to receive your gifts with thanksgiving. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.