April 8, 2015
FORT WAYNE, Ind. — “CANcordia CAN Conquer CANcer.”
This year, the Concordia Lutheran High School CANstruction will design and build the school’s seal following the theme of conquering cancer.
The build will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 17 at Glenbrook Square Mall.
The annual can drive at the high school is currently under way and all donations can be dropped off at the main office. The goal this year is to collect 1,500 cans of food. Collected cans will be used in the structure along with 2,000 cans that have been purchased. At the end of the event, all cans will be donated to the Community Harvest Food Bank. The structures will be open for viewing at Glenbrook from April 18-26.
In 2014, the Fort Wayne CANstruction event donated more than 75,500 pounds of food to Community Harvest. That donation put Fort Wayne fifth in the world behind New Orleans, Houston, Chicago and Dallas. Thank you to the support of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
FORT WAYNE, Ind. — “CANcordia CAN Conquer CANcer.”
This year, the Concordia Lutheran High School CANstruction will design and build the school’s seal following the theme of conquering cancer.
The build will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 17 at Glenbrook Square Mall.
The annual can drive at the high school is currently under way and all donations can be dropped off at the main office. The goal this year is to collect 1,500 cans of food. Collected cans will be used in the structure along with 2,000 cans that have been purchased. At the end of the event, all cans will be donated to the Community Harvest Food Bank. The structures will be open for viewing at Glenbrook from April 18-26.
In 2014, the Fort Wayne CANstruction event donated more than 75,500 pounds of food to Community Harvest. That donation put Fort Wayne fifth in the world behind New Orleans, Houston, Chicago and Dallas. Thank you to the support of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.