781 CLHS students to serve in Fort Wayne community on Oct. 7

On Friday, Oct. 7, 781 Concordia students will head out into the community to volunteer during the annual Service Day. They go to various locations and do whatever is asked of them. They will serving from 9 a.m. to noon. 
Here are some of the sites that they will be visiting. 
  • FW Museum of Art (4 Spanish teachers are taking their Koinonia groups to the FWMOA to set up for the annual Day of the Dead exhibit)
  • Lutheran Life Villages
  • Safety Village
  • Our Creator's Classroom at CLHS (this is the forest next to the high school)
  • Euell Wilson Center
  • Fort Wayne Children's Zoo
  • American Cancer Society
  • NeighborLink
  • Community Harvest Food Bank
  • Science Central
There are many other locations (including cleanup around the high school).