He is Risen

Hello Concordia,

Happy Easter - He Is Risen!

April and early May are exciting and busy times at Concordia. Students are working hard to finish this school year strong. Students and teachers in Advanced Placement (AP) classes are preparing for their exams in early May. Spring sports are in full action. Teachers continue their dedicated work in the classroom and numerous co-curricular activities, which they lead.

During the next four weeks I will be meeting with every teacher to review their professional work and goals for this school year. I enjoy the celebration our teachers convey as they reflect on the past and look forward to the exciting future of our school community.

The spring is also a reflective time for our seniors as they meditate on what they have experienced and learned at home and school, while looking forward with an unknowing excitement to their future.

Being new to our school community this year, I have depended upon our senior class for insight to our school’s student body. I thank God for the wisdom our students have shared with me this school year. A few highlights I will long remember:

Savannah = equity.

Larson = relevance.

Rachel, My’Airra, Mikaela = community.

Nick = thoughtfulness.

Football Captains = team.

Jack = passion.

Gabe = commitment.

Derek = tradition.

Shania = joy.

This is a small sample of our vibrant community that God has brought together to learn, grow, and go with our prayers and best wishes.

Concordia Lutheran High School wishes you and your family a blessed Holy Week and Easter celebration as we rejoice in the forgiveness of sins and promise for life eternal due to the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is Risen, Indeed!

Go Concordia!

Patrick Frerking,

The following is a reminder for our Seniors and their parents about Graduation and other end-of-year events.

April 23           Senior Honors Evening

May 1-12         AP Exams

May 12            Cap & Gown Pick-up

May 13            Prom

May 14            Senior Athletic Awards

May 15            Band Banquet

May 22            A Cappella Choir Banquet

May 23-25       Final Exams for Semester 2

May 25            Drama Awards

May 26            Graduation Practice

May 28            Graduation at The Embassy Theatre