Dear Concordia Parents,
A recent Netflix series titled “13 Reasons Why” is trending nationally as well as in our school community. It is a 13-hour series depicting strong and graphic scenes of suicide, bullying, sexual assault, drug use, and other school issues. While the show has become popular, it is also generating a tremendous amount of controversy and concern among health experts. Dan Reidenberg Executive Director of SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) says, “The show does not address mental illness or present viable alternatives to suicide.”
Concordia Lutheran High School’s Counseling Department and other schools across the country would like to offer tips to our parents about this series and these topics:
- Watch the show yourself so that you have a better understanding of the series.
- If your teenager is watching it, take time to have conversations about the content. Possibly watch the series together with your child.
- Experts feel that the series may be romanticizing suicide and not encouraging teenagers to seek help from family and friends.
Suicide is NEVER the answer. Getting help is the answer. There are a variety of ways to seek help:
- Talk to a trusted adult (teacher, guidance counselor, coach,...)
- ORG (Call 1-800-284-8439 or text 494949) inspired by The Lutheran Foundation
- National Suicide-Prevention Lifeline (Call 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741)
- Blog Post by Rev. Mark Kessling, LCMS Director of Youth Ministry – “13 Reasons Why” Reminds Us to Show Youth Love
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact anyone in our Guidance Department. Our counselors are trained in all of the school issues mentioned.