Here we are about one week away from Christmas! I would imagine that you’ve got a lot of free time on your hands, you know, just waiting around for Jesus! NOT!
Baking cookies, gift shopping, decorating, preparing cards, gift-wrapping, planning Christmas meals, and/or packing for a trip to go see family and friends. Perhaps these are a few things that are occupying your time.
Well, the word “Purposeful” just surfaced again for me. I was going about my business and heading to my workout last week when one of my trainers handed me a bracelet with the word “purposeful” on it. That was my word — the word that I had “intentionally” chosen back in September to focus my life! Not just my workout life, but rather all aspects. There it was staring me down on my right wrist! Needless to say, it got me thinking.
I have been “purposeful” in my life about many things. It goes way back and will continue into my future. Some of my purposefulness has been filled with sin and some with love. I remember “purposefully” twisting the tusks off the clay-made elephant my brother made in junior high art class. My brother was really proud of what he had made, and it even had a special place on a shelf in our home. I don’t remember why I did that at 8 years of age, but would presume that I was mad at my brother for beating me in some game. I was pretty competitive (still am) and did not like my older brother of 5 years outdoing me. Then there’s the time when I “intentionally” forgot to call back a friend who was waiting for my response. My purpose was to feign just a bit more time as I belabored my decision to share with her. Ugh! Purposefulness!
In a more positive light, I have been “purposeful” about visiting a parishioner who desires social interaction and prayers. I have been “purposeful” in my personal devotions and exercise. I have been “purposeful” in trying to meet my reading goals. And so on.
But just because I am being “purposeful” doesn’t mean that I don’t fall short. We all sin and fall short. The question that lingers is do we “purposefully” and intentionally seek God in each and every facet of our lives? Do we “purposefully” and intentionally obey God? God created us in His image that we should do good works and glorify Him. This Advent and Christmas Season, may we all live intentionally and “purposefully,” thinking about God at each and every place in our life.
Rejoice, our Savior has come to save the world! May this glorious truth bring joy to you this Christmas season.
Luanne Erdos,
Career Internship, Honors Academy Director, and Business/Marketing Teacher