Jan. 9, 2019
FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Area middle school students are invited to enter the 20th Annual Middle School Bridge Design Competition held at Concordia Lutheran High School.
The 2019 DiscoverE Committee and the Anthony Wayne Chapter of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers sponsor the event which will take place at the high school on Feb. 16, beginning at 9 a.m.
This competition challenges students in the areas of engineering, design, science and creativity. Prizes will be provided by DiscoverE Committee.
All area middle school students in grades 6-8 are invited to participate.
Get your popsicle sticks and glue ready!
Learn more by visiting www.clhscadets.com/apps/pages/Bridge-Competition.
Concordia Lutheran High School, located at 1601 St. Joe River Drive in Fort Wayne, Ind., was founded in 1935 as a private, co-educational Lutheran high school open to students of all faiths and backgrounds. With Christ at the center, Concordia continues to pursue educational excellence that equips individuals for lifelong learning and service as disciples of Jesus Christ. Learn more at www.clhscadets.com.