Anyssa Scaer » Biography


Anyssa Scaer is a passionate teacher committed to Lutheran education. Inspired by her experiences as a student in Lutheran schools, Anyssa's journey toward becoming a Lutheran school teacher began. Motivated by this calling, she pursued her studies at Concordia University Nebraska, where she was able to study education and graduated in December of 2017 with a B.S. in Secondary Education and a Lutheran Teacher's Diploma. In April 2024, she received her M.S. in Psychology from Indiana Institute of Technology. 

Having started her teaching career in Michigan, Anyssa soon found her way to Fort Wayne to join her now-husband, whom she met in middle school. Before serving at Concordia Lutheran High School, she spent five years serving as a middle school teacher, specializing in Social Studies and English Language Arts. 

Outside of the school day, Anyssa finds joy in spending quality time with her daughter and husband. When she isn't teaching, you may find her cooking, reading, or spending time outside. Anyssa and her family are members of Ascension Lutheran Church.