Spiritual Life » Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

The purpose for the establishment and maintenance of Concordia Lutheran High School (CLHS) is to provide a complete program of Christ-centered education to our students. The Christ-centered education provided by CLHS is based upon the sincerely held religious beliefs of the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) and the mission of the high school to pursue Christ-centered educational excellence that equips individuals for lifelong learning and service as disciples of Jesus Christ. Click here to read the full Statement of Faith.


The mission of the Koinonia ministry at Concordia Lutheran High School is to pursue a closer, growing relationship with Jesus Christ and each other through small-group, interactive Bible study and prayer and to increase the desire to follow God’s will for our lives.

To learn more about Koinonia, click here.

Servant Leaders

At Concordia Lutheran High School, Christ is the Center, and that means being servant leaders in our community.
Each year, the student body is committed to doing larger, service-focused opportunities. Every fall, students set out to volunteer in the community for our Service Day at locations such as local parks, Lutheran Life Villages, local churches and schools, and around the rivers. In the spring, students host a larger service opportunity. Past events have included a food drive and a dance marathon for Riley Children's Foundation. 


At least once per week the Concordia family gathers for worship. Guest pastors, faculty and staff members, LCMS seminary and university professors, school departments, student clubs, sports teams and organizations lead our weekly worship. The student Praise & Worship Band often lead worship, with our school choirs, bands and other musical groups occasionally participating. Because worship is a corporate affair, all students participate in singing, praying, and listening. Upon being seated, it is always appropriate to offer a silent prayer, so that all can focus their attention on what is to take place.
Daily Devotions
The school day begins with a brief devotion given by a faculty member or student. This special beginning of the day may be via the school’s intercom or in the homeroom itself. Students who are tardy and arrive at school during the devotion should come quietly into the building and wait until the devotion is completed before moving in the halls or going to lockers.