Tuition Policy
Tuition Policy
To attend CLHS, a student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) must sign a Contract (sent in the spring each year) that specifies the payment option and personal responsibilities. This contract is signed through FACTS. Only one parent/guardian needs to sign, and this person will be the one who is financially responsible. If that is split between two individuals, please notify the Business Office.
- All tuition and outstanding obligations from any preceding year must be paid in full before a student will be allowed to register for the next school year.
- All tuition and outstanding obligations must be paid in full in order for a Senior to participate in graduation ceremonies.
- All tuition and outstanding obligations must be paid in full before CLHS will release an official transcript of course work.
- Students withdrawing from school during a given month will be charged the full month’s tuition.
When a student withdraws, tuition charges and institutional financial aid awards are pro-rated through the end of the month. If you receive the Choice Scholarship, it is pro-rated through your student’s last date of attendance. The adjusted balance of tuition and fees will be used to determine the final amount or credit due.
- Scholarships awarded to students by CLHS vary according to each student’s academic ability, gifts, and talents, and according to the family’s financial need. CLHS reserves the right to revise scholarships should the family’s financial circumstances change and/or other resources become available to the family.
- Foreign students attending CLHS will pay the full tuition rate and an application fee of $350. Tuition and fees must be paid in full one week prior to classes starting.
- Students attending FWCS Career Academy (FWCS Career Academy, formerly Anthis) receive a 20% tuition reduction for each semester of attendance.
- Students taking on-campus college classes during their senior year or with approval from the Director of School Counseling will receive a tuition reduction of $500 per class. Maximum of three total classes during their high school experience or with prior approval from the Director of School Counseling.