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Founded in 1935, Concordia has a long history in Fort Wayne, IN, and a long impact in Christ-Centered Educational Excellence.
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Cortney Ashford
Human Resources Specialist
Email Cortney Ashford
(260) 483-1102 ext. 270
Danielle Bandelier
Assistant to the Controller
Email Danielle Bandelier
(260) 483-1102, ext. 224
Sierra Becker
Admissions Counselor
Email Sierra Becker
(260) 483-1102 ext. 276
Jenny Beights
Email Jenny Beights
(260) 483-1102, ext. 310
Debra Belcher
Cafeteria Assistant
Email Debra Belcher
Wendy Bentz
Director of Development Services
Email Wendy Bentz
260-483-1102 ext. 234
Kelly Beverly
Email Kelly Beverly
260-483-1102 ext. 316
Nickole Bohnke
Student Interventionist
Email Nickole Bohnke
Nicole Bolinger
School Counselor (All Students With Last Names A-G and Seniors Last Names R-Z)
Email Nicole Bolinger
260-483-1102 ext. 232
Phillip Brackmann
Dean of Student Success
Email Phillip Brackmann
260-483-1102 ext. 239
Isabel Braun
Grant Writer
Email Isabel Braun
Melissa Burnau
Email Melissa Burnau
(260) 483-1102, ext. 244
Crystal Castleman
Chair - Science
Email Crystal Castleman
260-483-1102 ext. 302
Brent Childers
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Email Brent Childers
260-483-1102 ext. 275
Alan Conrad
SFC, Army Instructor (JROTC), Practical Arts
Email Alan Conrad
260-483-1102 ext. 154
Karolyn Dillman
Chair - Social Studies
Email Karolyn Dillman
260-483-1102 ext. 207
Mark Dolde
Math and Theology
Email Mark Dolde
260-483-1102 ext. 305
Joyce Dubach
Elementary Band & Strings Teacher
Email Joyce Dubach
Brandon Eiler
Fine Arts (Orchestra)
Email Brandon Eiler
260-483-1102 ext. 198
Luanne Erdos
Practical Arts (Career Internships and Honors Academy)
Email Luanne Erdos
(260) 203-4575
Faith Felton
Email Faith Felton
260-483-1102 ext. 300
Bethany Fonseca
Spanish Teacher
Email Bethany Fonseca
Jeff Frazier
Email Jeff Frazier
Rhonda Freeman
Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Email Rhonda Freeman
Patrick Frerking
Email Patrick Frerking
260-483-1102 ext. 291
Krista Friend
Student Success Assistant
Email Krista Friend
260-483-1102 ext. 238
Jennifer Garnett
Cafeteria Assistant
Audrey Gilbert
Director of Annual Giving
Email Audrey Gilbert
(260) 483-1102 ext. 217
Amanda Gleave
School Counselor (Grades 9, 10, 11 Student Last Names N-Z)
Email Amanda Gleave
Jenny Grisez
Development Coordinator
Email Jenny Grisez
(260) 483-1102 ext. 253
Jennifer Hayworth
Email Jennifer Hayworth
Sarah Hellinger
Athletic Secretary
Email Sarah Hellinger
(260) 483-1102 x 240
Ted Hoham
Email Ted Hoham
(260) 483-1102, ext. 118
Amy Holtslander
Chair-World Languages (Latin), English
Email Amy Holtslander
260-483-1102 ext. 211
Chad Hoover
Campus Pastor, Chair - Theology
Email Chad Hoover
260-483-1102 ext. 206
Kyle Jane
Email Kyle Jane
(260) 483-1102 ext. 304
Karen Johnson
Guidance Administrative Assistant
Email Karen Johnson
260-483-1102 ext. 222
Eric Kaschinske
Chair - Math
Email Eric Kaschinske
260-483-1102 ext. 213
Katie Kauffman
Women’s Physical Education & Health, Business
Email Katie Kauffman
Angie Kelley
Cafeteria Assistant
Dani Kiefer
Art, Yearbook
Email Dani Kiefer
(260) 483-1102 ext. 106
Andy Klein
Facilities Manager
Email Andy Klein
Krista Koch
Email Krista Koch
260-483-1102 ext. 311
Lucas Koehler
Physical Education/Strength and Conditioning
Email Lucas Koehler
Nancy Koehler
Email Nancy Koehler
260-483-1102 ext. 313
Matthew Konow
Chief Advancement Officer
Email Matthew Konow
(260) 483-1102, ext. 251
Timothy LaCroix
World Languages (German)
Email Timothy LaCroix
260-483-1102 ext. 210
Brian Loesel
Email Brian Loesel
(260) 483-1102, ext. 303
Darcy Lugo
World Languages (Spanish), Student Council
Email Darcy Lugo
260-483-1102 ext. 113
Kevin Macke
Email Kevin Macke
260-483-1102 ext. 306
Timothy Mannigel
Director of Athletics
Email Timothy Mannigel
260-483-1102 ext. 241
Stephanie Marks
Director Of Instructional Media Center, Assistant Athletic Director
Email Stephanie Marks
Diana Massucci
Food Service Manager
Email Diana Massucci
(260) 483-1102, ext. 262
Andy Morris
Social Studies
Email Andy Morris
260-483-1102 ext. 209
Hannah Mundt
English Teacher
Email Hannah Mundt
Christopher Murphy
Chair - Fine Arts (Theatre & Drama), Math, Director of Theatrical Arts/Auditorium Manager
Email Christopher Murphy
260-483-1102 ext. 103
Kim Nash
Director of Guidance and School Counseling (Student Last Names H-M and Seniors Last Names N-Q)
Email Kim Nash
260-483-1102 ext. 233
Betsy Neely
Email Betsy Neely
260-483-1102 ext. 317
Jeanne Neireiter
Cafeteria Assistant
Email Jeanne Neireiter
Corrie Oberlin
School Nurse
Email Corrie Oberlin
(260) 483-1102, ext. 235
Tara Panning
Email Tara Panning
Jacob Pennekamp
Head of School
Email Jacob Pennekamp
(260) 483-1102 ext. 226
Todd Phillips
Fine Arts (Jazz Band)
Email Todd Phillips
260-483-1102 ext. 198
Jennifer Porath
Director of Bands
Email Jennifer Porath
(260) 483-1102, ext. 198
Gary Reinking
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Email Gary Reinking
260-483-1102 ext. 260
Timothy Reinking
Social Studies
Email Timothy Reinking
260-483-1102 ext. 109
Debbie Rockrohr
Email Debbie Rockrohr
(260) 483-1102 ext. 110
Anyssa Scaer
Social Studies
Email Anyssa Scaer
Dawn Schuller
Director of Admissions and Retention
Email Dawn Schuller
260-483-1102 ext. 298
Debbie Schumm
Director of Financial Aid
Email Debbie Schumm
260-483-1102 ext. 219
John Sheaffer
SAI, Practical Arts (JROTC), Practical Arts
Email John Sheaffer
260-483-1102 ext. 321
Lisa Sherrod
Study Center Director
Email Lisa Sherrod
260-483-1102 ext. 205
Anna Snodgrass
Elementary Band
Email Anna Snodgrass
Kayla Sprayue
Media Arts Teacher
Email Kayla Sprayue
Rebekah Staub
Social Studies
Email Rebekah Staub
Scott Storm
Director of Technology/Computer Science Instructor
Email Scott Storm
260-483-1102 ext. 214
Andrew Stout
Practical Arts (Physical Education)
Email Andrew Stout
260-483-1102 ext. 212
Jared The Comfort Dog
Comfort Dog
Sharon Thompson
Head of School's Assistant
Email Sharon Thompson
260-483-1102 ext. 221
Joy Tiefel
Spanish Teacher
Email Joy Tiefel
(260) 483-1102, ext. 117
Jeanine Tietz
English Teacher
Email Jeanine Tietz
Michelle Towler
Culinary Arts Teacher
Email Michelle Towler
Katie Underwood
Email Katie Underwood
(260) 483-1102 ext. 105
Matthew Urban
Email Matthew Urban
260-483-1102 ext. 312
Jenn Walker
Study Center Assistant
Email Jenn Walker
Mindy Walz
Chair - English
Email Mindy Walz
260-483-1102 ext. 111
Alannah Weander
Student Interventionist
Email Alannah Weander
Isaac Weander
Director of Choirs, Theology Teacher
Email Isaac Weander
Sarah Wenzel
Assistant Food Manager
Email Sarah Wenzel
Heidi Wilkinson
Email Heidi Wilkinson
(260) 483-1102, ext. 301
Staff Directory