Concordia Lutheran High School to be First in Allen Co. to be Project Adam Heart Safe School Cardiac Arrest Drill and Professional Development Day to take place on March 10, 2025 after which the designation will be granted.
Seize the Day! Science teacher Heidi Wilkinson reflects on how the recent CLHS theater production of "Newsies" got her thinking about all the ways in which students 'seize the day'.
Weander Receives Lutheran Education Association Award Isaac Weander honored as LEA’s 2025 Outstanding New Lutheran Secondary Educator
A Brief History of the Long Tradition of the Clendenen Drill Meet Major John Sheaffer, the leader of Concordia's JROTC program, invites you to the 54th Annual Clendenen Drill Meet and shares a brief history of the JROTC program and the event.
Concordia Student Wins Scholastic Art and Writing Award for Poem Junior TaylorAnn Minarik wins prestigious award for poetry.
The Value of Lutheran Schools Theology teacher Faith Felton discusses the value of the Lutheran school system.
Course Selection Time! School counselor Nicole Bolinger shares some tips on course selection for the 2025-2026 school year.
Fall Semester 2024 Honor Roll and Honorable Mention Recipients Congratulations to all of our students who have made Honor Roll and Honorable Mention for Fall Semester 2024.